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Autumn Garden Views

I have always been a gardener but this year I took it to a new level and made a garden bigger than I expected in my new yard. I thought I was a flower girl but my veggie obsession took over and I really enjoyed learning different varieties of tomatoes and peppers I had no idea existed. I had an amazing pumpkin patch that popped up entirely from where I dumped last years old pumpkins and gourds, proving you don’t have to have very good conditions to grow good things.  Nature will thrive without you.  They did better than the pumpkins I hand planted and coddled.

My garden is definitely looking sad with impending fall and frost but it still has some beauty.


Finally a late-blooming Heavenly Blue Morning Glory!

Mother Nature played matchmaker in the pumpkin patch and decided opposites attract.  Here we have what my grandmother used to call “Punkgourds”.  It’s the size of a pumpkin but with a luscious warty gourdy exterior!!  This is one of my wins in the garden this year, for sure!!

Black cats spring up like weeds in my yard, ha!!

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